eAuction #13 - beendet

Los 33. Antimachos II. AR Drachm, c. 165-160 BC (?)

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Antimachos II. AR Drachm, c. 165-160 BC (?)

Verbleibende Zeit:
Beendet (Sonntag, 17. Februar, 19:16:30 CET)
Aktuelle Zeit: Freitag, 20. September, 00:43:06 CEST

Erzielter Preis: -
Höchstbieter: -

eAuction #13, Los 33. Schätzpreis: CHF 100.00

Kings of Bactria. Antimachos II. (c. 165-160 BC?). AR Drachm.
Obv. BAΣIΛEOΣ NIKHΦOPOY ANTIMAXOY, Nike advancing left with wreath and palm.
Rev. King on horseback right, legend in karoshti around.
Mitchiner, Indogreek -; SNG ANS 424.

Good very fine.

Antimachos II. used to be dated later until a tax receipt was published in 1994 that named him together with Antimachos I., who was his father. This shows how difficult the chronology of the Graeco-Bactrian kings still is.
