
Dr. phil. Markus Beyeler, Numismatist and Owner

Markus Beyeler studied ancient history at the University of Bern (Switzerland). His dissertation on the emperor’s presents in the 4th Century AD was accepted in 2009 and published
under its German title in 2011 (Markus Beyeler: Geschenke des Kaisers. Studien zur Chronologie, zu den Empfängen und zu den Gegenständen der kaiserlichen Vergabungen im 4. Jhd. n. Chr.,
in: Klio. Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte. Beihefte. Neue Folge 18. Berlin 2011), but his scientific interests also include Celtic and Roman Republican coinage as historical sources.
Markus took his first steps in coin dealing in 1996 and specializes in Celtic, Greek, Roman and modern numismatics.