Lot 66. M. Lucilius Rufus AR Denarius, 101 BC
Time left: |
Bidding closed
(Sunday, March 15th, 19:22:00 CET)
Current time: Sunday, January 19th, 15:14:16 CET
Price realised: |
CHF 320.00 (3 bids)
Approx. EUR 340.39 / USD 349.58 / GBP 287.28
Bid history
CHF 320.00
Bidder 3 *
2020-03-12, 16:56:40
CHF 300.00
Bidder 2 *
2020-03-15, 07:21:17
CHF 160.00
Bidder 1 *
2020-03-14, 07:12:30
* User names of other bidders are replaced by Bidder 1, 2, and so on.
High bidder: |
Bidder 3
eAuction #67, Lot 66. Estimate: CHF 180.00
M. Lucilius Rufus. AR Denarius (20-21 mm, 3.91
g), Rome, 101 BC.
Obv. Helmeted head of Roma right; behind, PV; all within laurel-wreath.
Rev. RVF, Victory in biga right, holding reins in left hand and whip in right;
below, M·LVCILI.
599; Craw. 324/1.
Well centered on a broad flan. Old cabinet tone and extremely fine.