Lot 28. Traianus Decius AE Diassarion, Philomelion
Time left: |
Bidding closed
(Sunday, March 15th, 19:09:20 CET)
Current time: Sunday, January 19th, 06:02:39 CET
Price realised: |
CHF 80.00 (2 bids)
Approx. EUR 84.83 / USD 87.39 / GBP 71.82
Bid history
CHF 80.00
Bidder 2 *
2020-03-08, 21:26:12
CHF 80.00
Bidder 1 *
2020-03-09, 09:24:11
* User names of other bidders are replaced by Bidder 1, 2, and so on.
High bidder: |
Bidder 2
eAuction #67, Lot 28. Estimate: CHF 80.00
Trajan Decius (249-251). AE Diassarion (23
mm, 6.48 g), Phrygia, Philomelium. Phileinos, magistrate. Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ Γ ΜЄϹ Κ ΤΡΑΙ ΔЄΚΙΟ ϹЄ,
Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, seen from
behind. Rev. ΦΙΛΟΜΗΛЄΟΝ ЄΠ ΦΙΛЄΙΝΟΥ, The river-god Gallos reclining left,
holding cornucopiae in his right hand and leaning left on urn from
which water flows. BMC 38; RPC IX 903.
Sharp and attractive. Good very fine.