Lot 463. Roman Empire, Lot of 3 AR denarii
Time left: |
Bidding closed
(Sunday, December 12th, 21:34:20 CET)
Current time: Friday, January 10th, 03:38:55 CET
Price realised: |
CHF 80.00 (1 bid)
Approx. EUR 85.13 / USD 87.76 / GBP 71.42
Bid history
CHF 80.00
Bidder 1 *
2021-12-05, 12:16:20
* User names of other bidders are replaced by Bidder 1, 2, and so on.
High bidder: |
Bidder 1
eAuction #74, Lot 463. Estimate: CHF 100.00
The Roman Empire. Lot of 3 (three) AR denarii: Vespasianus, Titus, and Domitianus.
Fine/very fine. (3)
Lot sold as is, no returns.