Lot 534. Cuba AV 5 Pesos 1916
Time left: |
Bidding closed
(Sunday, December 18th, 21:58:00 CET)
Current time: Friday, January 3rd, 02:47:18 CET
Price realised: |
CHF 400.00 (1 bid)
Approx. EUR 426.53 / USD 442.00 / GBP 353.65
Bid history
CHF 400.00
Bidder 1 *
2022-12-18, 21:54:05
* User names of other bidders are replaced by Bidder 1, 2, and so on.
High bidder: |
Bidder 1
eAuction #78, Lot 534. Estimate: CHF 500.00
Cuba, Republic. AV 5 Pesos 1916 (8.36 g). KM 19.
Good extremely fine.