
Los 44. Kallistai AE Tetrachalkon
Ex Rhousopoulos and BCD

Verbleibende Zeit: |
(Sonntag, 18. Dezember, 19:22:00 CET)
Aktuelle Zeit: Dienstag, 11. März, 06:14:11 CET

Erzielter Preis: |
CHF 460.00 (3 Gebote)
Ungefähr EUR 484.25 / USD 523.48 / GBP 406.50

CHF 460.00
Bieter 3 *
2016-12-18, 13:16:06
CHF 450.00
Bieter 2 *
2016-12-18, 17:31:21
CHF 320.00
Bieter 1 *
2016-12-18, 14:51:53
* Die Benutzernamen anderer Bieter werden ersetzt durch Bieter 1, 2, usw.
Höchstbieter: |
Bieter 3

eAuction #54, Los 44. Schätzpreis: CHF 250.00
Kallistai, Arcadia. Under the Achaean League. AE Tetrachalkon (18 mm, 5.12 g), c. 188-146 BC. Obv. ANTANΔPOΣ, Zeus, nude, standing left, holding Nike in right and long sceptre in left. Rev. AXAIΩN KAΛΛIΣTATAN, Achaia seated left, holding wreath in right and long sceptre in left. BMC -: Clerk 57; BCD Peloponnesos 499 (this coin).
Extremely rare. Good fine.
From the Rhousopoulos and BCD Collections, ex LHS 96 (2006), 499.
Virtually nothing is known about the City of Kallistai except for its extremely rare coinage that consisted of Achaean League Tetrachalkoi only. This is one of just two that were offered for sale in the past 15 years, the other in LHS 96 (2006), 498 and Auctiones 41 (2015), 16. Both of them are from the Rhousopoulos and BCD Collections.