eAuction #13 - beendet

Los 43. Sala AE17, Demos / Hermes, 2nd Century

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Sala AE17, Demos / Hermes, 2nd Century

Verbleibende Zeit:
Beendet (Sonntag, 17. Februar, 19:21:30 CET)
Aktuelle Zeit: Donnerstag, 19. September, 18:40:16 CEST

Erzielter Preis: -
Höchstbieter: -

eAuction #13, Los 43. Schätzpreis: CHF 75.00

Sala, Lydia. Pseudo-autonomous AE17 (3.00 g), time of Hadrianus and Antoninus Pius.
Obv. ΔHMOC CAΛHNΩN, laureate and draped bust of bearded Demos right.
Rev. ЄΠI ANΔPONЄIKOY, Hermes standing left with kerykeion and purse.
SNG München 455; BMC 15.

Rare. Excellent style. Adjustmentmarks, otherwise, very fine.
